The Best Tips on choosing Antivirus For Windows and Mac Lion

Many people, including students, apparently not understanding how to choose the best antivirus. They just base to the mercy of price or trend is not necessarily true. Many people not do a trial before buying.

Then what kind of antivirus is right for the students? The answer, is an antivirus that is lightweight and can perform real-time scanning during the flash usb plug, can also detect new threats proactively. This is because a lot of contact with the campus community cybercafe or internet cafe or Wi Fi internet traffic with a high so the threat of entry is also much more.

Always target the virus or threat. With the lifestyle to the internet is wrong, the potential threat of more than doubled. Virus threat is always targeted websites with a high hit. Online games now also become an easy target.

You suggested that users diligently to update the operating system, do not open a website that could potentially pose a threat, such as pornographic websites, and use security software from trusted sources. Use different passwords for each account, do not easily trust the information received via the internet, do not spit sensitive information (personal) on the internet.


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